Why Don’t All Affluent People Become Wealthy? Perception, hesitation, & poor decisions are factors. Why do some people let their potential for lifetime wealth slip away? Some people are better off economically at 30 or 40 than they are at 50 or 60. In some cases, fate deals them a bad hand. In other cases,...Read More
Cash Alternatives for Charitable Giving Thinking about donating? Think of these choices. As the tax season is heating up, you may be thinking of giving. In fact, you may want to explore the different ways in which you can donate to a charity or non-profit organization, apart from just making a cash gift. Consider some...Read More
Will Updated I.R.S. Tables Create an Opportunity for Retirees? Life expectancy table updated for the first time since 2002. If you are retired and have reached your seventies, you may have the opportunity to draw a little less income from your retirement savings accounts in 2022. Next year, the Internal Revenue Service plans to update...Read More
Before You Claim Social Security A few things you may want to think about before filing for benefits. Whether you want to leave work at 62, 67, or 72, claiming the retirement benefits you are entitled to by federal law is no casual decision. You will want to consider a few key factors first. How...Read More
A Roth IRA’s Many Benefits Why do so many people choose them over traditional IRAs? The IRA that changed the whole retirement savings perspective. Since the Roth IRA was introduced in 1998, its popularity has soared. It has become a fixture in many retirement planning strategies because it offers savers so many potential advantages. The...Read More
Tax Moves to Consider in Summer Now is a good time to think about a few financial matters. Consider making tax moves earlier rather than later. If you own a business, earn significant investment income, are recently married or divorced, or have a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), you may want to work on your income tax...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.