When it comes to your finances, you may feel conflicted about getting help. On one hand, you know there are tools and services out there which would be wise to take advantage of. On the other hand, you may be wary of the financial profession, unsure of how your advisor gets paid, and skeptical of which information is really on your behalf vs. which information is a “sales pitch”. At Smart Financial, we understand the conflict and have structured our business in an effort to provide transparency, education, and service. When you work with Smart Financial, you can be confident we are a true fiduciary. We win when you win.
You keep hearing of the hundreds of filing strategies, yet you can’t seem to get a direct and accurate answer. Let Smart Financial help you find all you are entitled to. Learn which strategies apply to you.
Your retirement needs consistent income. Different group and personal pension options can make the difference between income stability and income volatility. Planning should include long-term inflation effects and the impact of losing a spouse.
Guarantees provided are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.
You’ve saved long and hard over the years. What don’t you know that you don’t know about your account? Understanding what you have and what options are out there can significantly improve results.
The game changes at retirement. You don’t wear the same pants you bought in your thirties, find out if you’re in an outdated investment portfolio. We will explore every option for you and create a retirement strategy that is tailor fit to you.
No one can predict or control the market. There are, however, other variables you can predict and control for better performance. Optimize how your money works for you.
What is the real impact on your loved ones if you or your spouse passes too soon? Choose solutions, not products. In retirement life, insurance and annuities may be more wants instead of needs. Let Smart Financial educate you on companies and options, and you make the choice.
Roth contributions are not the same as Roth conversions. Tap into this strategy wisely for large tax benefits over time.
Determining when or if you should convert to a Roth IRA is an individual decision based on factors such as your financial situation, age, tax bracket, current assets, and alternate sources of retirement income. Your unique circumstances help determine what’s appropriate for you.
“A Man Who is Prepared has His Battle Half Fought” – Miguel De Cervantes. Believe it or not, there are large potential tax savings available if you only know how to plan.
Great legacy planning is more than a legal document. Integrate your trust, beneficiaries, insurance, end of life planning and more to manage any negative impact on your loved ones at your passing.
Our goal is to make sure no stone goes unturned. Let our years of experience and training provide you the same confidence as the hundreds of others who we’ve had the pleasure to work with. We will explore every option for you and create a retirement strategy that is tailor fit to you.